Entry #13- The Final Blog Post!
I can not believe this is my final blog post for LTED 618! This semester has really flown by! I have learned a lot about the connection between reading and writing and about a variety of genres. I feel more confident in my abilities to teach writing now in my classroom. Reflecting on the blog posts that I have done throughout the semester, I believe that they have been beneficial to my overall understanding of the parallels that exist between reading and writing. I found the blogs to be a place of reflection and, put simply, a place to "word vomit" what was on my mind regarding what we discussed that week in class. I really enjoy being able to express what I learned in an informal way. For me, if there are too many "rules" to follow when expressing my learning, I feel stuck and confined. I felt that the blog posts were a perfect combination of prompts and free choice of what to write. Admittedly, there were some weeks that were harder to write than others, simply d...