Entry #8- "Bless, Address, and Press" Maddie's Blog
This week, Maddie's blog had my focus, specifically her entry asking " what makes a good mentor text ?" Her entry really stood out to me as her voice was incredible! I could almost hear her reading it out loud to me, which was really powerful. By using different formatting tools, such as different colored text to emphasize certain ideas, capitalizing certain words, and using informal language to express her interpretation of the text(s), her voice was conveyed very strongly. Well done, Maddie! Regarding her interpretation of the text Supporting Young Writers With Award-Winning Books by MacKay, Ricks, and Young (2017), she did an excellent job of highlighting the guiding question "what makes a good mentor text?" Maddie also poses her own question: "Just because a text is an award-winner, does that mean it is the best mentor text for all students?" I too also thought deeply about this question, as I feel that too many award-winning books are used as...